More tourist attractions in Egypt are below:

Ancient Egyptian Temples_Tourist Attractions


Felucca on the Nile – Taking a Felucca down the Nile is something a tourist (Tourist Attractions) must do when visiting Egypt. Feluccas are sail boats that have been used on the Nile since antiquity. There are short sunset sails in Cairo and Alexandria as well as long cruises which usually depart from Aswan.

Valley of Kings

The Valley of the Kings which is also known as Biban El Moluk is situated on the ancient site of Thebes and is where the pharaohs were buried and believed to meet their Gods in the afterlife. This is the place where Tutankhamun’s tomb can be found which was discovered almost intact in the 1920’s. You can go inside the tomb, but you’ll have to visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo to see the treasures he was buried with. Tutankhamun was actually quite a minor king in the scheme of things and there are much larger and more impressive tombs to discover in the Valley of the Kings.

The Valley of the Kings which is also known as Biban El Moluk is situated on the ancient site of Thebes and is where the pharaohs were buried and believed to meet their Gods in the afterlife. This is the place where Tutankhamun’s tomb can be found which was discovered almost intact in the 1920’s. You can go inside the tomb, but you’ll have to visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo to see the treasures he was buried with. Tutankhamun was actually quite a minor king in the scheme of things and there are much larger and more impressive tombs to discover in the Valley of the Kings.

Siwa Oasis

The Siwa Oasis is situated in the Western Desert close to the Libyan border. It is Egypt’s most remote oasis town and the Siwans have developed their own distinct Berber culture. Their jewelry and crafts are exquisite. A decent road (Tourist Attractions) and a small airport have helped in putting Siwa Oasis on the tourist map.

The Siwa Oasis is situated in the Western Desert close to the Libyan border. It is Egypt’s most remote oasis town and the Siwans have developed their own distinct Berber culture. Their jewelry and crafts are exquisite. A decent road (Tourist Attractions) and a small airport have helped in putting Siwa Oasis on the tourist map.

Apart from its unique culture, the Siwa oasis is known for its geographical beauty, hot springs and the fact that Alexander the Great traveled here to visit the Oracle of Amun. This place is the best place to relax, rejuvenate and eating some olives.


Hurghada- For an amateur snorkeler or a professional diver, Hurghada on the Red Sea is the place to be. This is one of Egypt’s top destinations for those looking to simply relax on the beach or enjoy some of the world’s clearest waters and spectacular coral reefs. Hurghada offers more than 10 miles of beach and plenty of accommodation, restaurants, and nightclubs for all budgets. Diving is the most popular attraction here and there are numerous diving centers and schools around town.

Hundreds of spectacular fish both along the shore and around the nearby islands can be found. For the adventurous divers looking for bigger thrills, whale sharks, hammerhead sharks and dolphins can also be found.

Luxor Temple

The spectacular Luxor Temple is situated in the center of Luxor city. The Temple of Luxor was built largely by Amenhotep III and Ramesses II around 1400BC. Its main purpose was to celebrate the festival of Opet. Many rulers built

The spectacular Luxor Temple is situated in the center of Luxor city. The Temple of Luxor was built largely by Amenhotep III and Ramesses II around 1400BC. Its main purpose was to celebrate the festival of Opet. Many rulers built onto the temple yet it always remained a place of worship for Christians and subsequently the Muslims. A mosque built inside the temple still exists and is one of the highlights of the site. Luxor Temple is beautifully lit at night so it’s worth visiting the site at sunset.

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is one of the first stops on most people’s itineraries when traveling to Egypt. With more than 120,000 artifacts, the museum houses an incredible display depicting ancient Egypt’s glorious reign. Apart from this, mummies, sarcophagi, pottery, jewelry apart from King Tutankhamen’s treasures can be traced. King Tut’s goodies include his socks, the boy king’s death-mask made of solid gold which is described as the most beautiful object ever made. The displays are not all labeled very well and it’s a little haphazard but is a great experience anyways.

Contrary to the popular thinking that Egypt is full of mummies which are similar to each other. But this is not the case as Egypt instead offers something much more thereby becoming one of the major tourist attractions of the world.