An artifact can be defined as following: 1. An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, weapon, or ornament of archaeological or historical interest; 2.Something viewed as a product of human conception or agency rather than an inherent element. The ancient Egyptians were well known for their artistic murals, sculptures, hieroglyphs and their elegant dresses. They also made beautiful jewelry pieces which were worn by both men and women.

Egyptian Accessories Murals

Egyptian Mural – If today we have to make an Egyptian on the similar lines as what was made in the ancient Egyptian civilization, the following steps have to be kept in mind:



1. Find pictures of several Egyptian murals. The Egyptians often used murals in their palaces and tombs depicting scenes featuring their deities or of everyday life.

2. A mural can either be of Egyptian gods, or of an Egyptian domestic scene, the pictures of which can be found in history books, picture books or on the internet.

3. Draw one of the Egyptian scenes portraying the Egyptian gods or any other famous Egyptian wall mural scene. Add as much detail to your drawing as you possibly can. Note the peculiar characteristics of each god. For example, Horus, the god of the sky, had the head of a falcon and a rounded headdress. Make the drawing as precise as possible. Make reference copies of the Egyptian murals so as to refer to them while painting the mural.

4. Take your drawing to a copy shop and ask for a black-and-white transparency of it.

5. Place the transparency on an overhead projector or an art projector. Turn on the projector and project the image on the wall that you want to paint.

6. Trace the lines of your final drawing on the wall with a pencil.

Paint the mural with acrylic paints. Tape your reference pictures on the wall next to the mural. Outlined pencil marks with the appropriate paint so as to know where the marks should be.

Fill in the painted outlines carefully; using only those colors used by the ancient Egyptians, which were blue, red, green, yellow, white and black. An ancient Egyptian mural artifact is ready.