These are NOT facts but general theories put forward by people about ancient Egyptians aliens.

Photos of the Cydonia region on Mars have revealed The Face On Mars, The D&M Pyramids (placed to line up with Orion’s belt) and other Mars anomalies related to Egyptology!

Egyptians Aliens

The release of an image on Mars in recent times closely resembles Nefertiti, the Egyptian Princess, and further strengthens the suspected link between ancient Egypt and alien civilizations.

6 wooden gliders were found in one of the Pyramids at Saqqara. Although 5 of them have been destroyed, one does exist in the Late Dynastic Room at the Egyptian museum in Cairo amongst the wooden bird collection. Some readers believe that this could be a bird, but birds do not have tails that fan sideways.

Pyramid of Giza

The pyramid of Giza and some other pyramids are believed to have been built by aliens. The pyramids are so accurately aligned with the points of the compass that only aliens could have achieved this all those thousands of years ago. The angle of the slope of the sides is so precise only aliens could achieve this.

The blocks are so heavy and the pyramid so tall only Egyptians Aliens could achieve this. In the period 2500 BC man did not have the tools or knowledge necessary to build the pyramids, so only aliens could have done it. How the Egyptians Aliens built the pyramids is not known, but they would have employed the use of advanced construction equipment.

At the quarry face, there are blocks cut into the rock but not yet cut away. There are roughly hewn blocks scattered around ready for transporting and on-site finishing. The entire quarry shows obvious signs of systematic development of cutting blocks out from the face and transporting them from a site.

The rough-hewn free-standing blocks show the scars of repeated chisel blows where they were chiseled out of the rock face. There is nothing in the manner of these blocks that is anything other than old-fashioned quarry work using a mallet and chisel. Nowhere is there any sign of advanced technology having been employed, just the opposite.

The blocks were hewn out of the rock-face by manual labor, the signs are unmistakable. The chisels used were made of copper, the hardest metal then available, but even they were only good for about 100 blows before blunting, even though limestone is relatively soft and easy to work compared to hard rock such as granite.

As the chisels were blunted they were exchanged for re-sharpened ones, and the process was repeated with a team of blacksmiths constantly re-sharpening and tempering the chisels.

It seems that Egypt is not the only place that has been visited by Aliens in ancient times. This place called ‘The Lolladoff plate’ is a 12,000-year-old stone dish found in Nepal.