Egyptian Quotes sayings a temple is the most sacred place in an Egyptian’s heart. It is divided into two, The outer part and the inner one. The beginners are let into the outer part and after proof of their worth has been given they are given leave to enter the inner sanctum.


This inner temple is purported to hold knowledge beyond this world and great insight. These sayings and Egyptian Quotes are inscribed upon the walls of these temples.
The outer temple:

. The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth [is] Nature.

. For every joy, there is a price to be paid.

. If his heart rules him, his conscience will soon take the place of the road.

. What you are doing does not matter so much as what you are learning from doing it. It is better not to know and to know that one does not know than presumptuously to attribute some random meaning to symbols.

. If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge.

. If you are searching for a Neter, observe Nature.

. Exuberance is a good stimulus towards action, but the inner light grows in silence and concentration.

. Not the greatest Master can go even one step for his disciple; in himself, he must experience each stage of developing consciousness. Therefore he will know nothing for which he is not ripe.

. Understanding develops by degrees.

. As to deserving, know that the gift of Heaven is free; this gift of Knowledge is so great that no effort whatever could hope to ‘deserve’ it.

. If the Master teaches what is an error, the disciple’s submission is slavery; if he teaches the truth, this submission is ennoblement.

. There grows no wheat where there is no grain.

. The only thing that is humiliating is helplessness.
The Inner Temple:

. An answer if profitable in proportion to the intensity of the quest.

. Listen to your conviction, even if they seem absurd to your reason.

. Know the world in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world, for this would be to project your illusion

. To teach one must know the nature of those whom one is teaching.

. In every vital activity, it is the path that matters.

. The way of knowledge is narrow.

. Each truth you learn will be, for you, as new as if it had never been written (In Egyptian Quotes).

. The only active force that arises out of possession is fear of losing the object of possession.

. If you defy an enemy by doubting his courage you double it.

. The nut doesn’t reveal the tree it contains.

. For knowledge … you should know that peace is an indispensable condition of getting it.

. The first thing necessary in teaching is a master; the second is a pupil capable of carrying on the tradition.

. Peace is the fruit of activity, not of sleep.