Egyptian Marriage was a universal institution in ancient Egypt. Marriage was regarded as a sacred bond. Many of the old marriage contracts have been found, and they were registered and signed by three officers.

ancient-egyptian-marraigePaintings and statues show husband and wife with their arms around each other. Love and affection were a part of Egyptian marriages. Monogamy was the general rule, but Pharaohs and people who belonged to higher classes could take a number of wives.A bride would be young, about 14 or 15 years old. Her husband could be anywhere from 17 to 20. He could be older if he was a widower or a divorcee. Many marriages were arranged with the consent of the parents and the society.


Especially among the wealthy and upper class. But enormous records of love poetry show that love marriages were not unknown to the Egyptians. Young couples choose their mates often.

Egyptian Engagement

The couple had a lot of chances to get to know each other before the engagement. The engagement customs began by the suitor’s parents visiting his fiancée’s house to get her family approval to complete this marriage and reaching an agreement.

It contains two main items: an amount of money, called Mahr, paid by a suitor to his fiancée’s family to help them prepare the furniture of their daughter and a valuable jewelry gift, called Shabka, given by the suitor to his fiancée.When the house of the new family became ready, the two families fixed an appointment of the wedding party. The “Henna Night” was celebrated the night before the wedding.

Egyptian Marriages

On the day of the wedding, the marriage contract was signed and registered by a priest in the temple in the attendance of the couple and most of their families and friends.

Marriage settlements were generally drawn up between a woman’s father and her prospective husband. A standard marriage contract contained the date of marriage, the names of mates and parents of both sides, names of the scribe and witnesses and the husband’s profession.

On the day of the wedding, the bride probably wore a long dress or tunic made of linen, which may have been covered from head to toe with bead-net. She also adorned herself with jewelry. After sun set was the wedding party.

Egyptian Divorce

Divorce was a private affair which either of the parties could initiate. Adultery, cruelty, inability to bear children and the like were the grounds or divorce. If the marriage ended in divorce, the rights of the wife were equally protected. Generally, she was entitled to support from her husband. The amount might equal one-third of the settlement or even more.