Egypt Gods have played a very significant role in all the civilization. From time immemorial our ancestors have prayed to elements of nature like water sun air etc. The Gods play a very important role in the Egyptian civilization.

The Egyptian lived in continuous fear evil spirits and displeasure of Gods. They had round 2,000 Egypt  Gods some them stated Gods and Gods who looked after the daily things of life and Gods who looked after under-world, they also had some minor Gods.

ancient-egyptian-gods-Egypt GodsA unique feature of the Egypt Gods is that they have the face of a human and body of an animal. Every part of life was covered by these Gods from happiness to fertility to digestion to partying to beer.

A very interesting feature of Egyptian Gods is that they had human forms and lived life like the ancient Egyptian like them they fell in love married and had children; as a result, the common people could identify themselves with the Gods.

According to Egyptian mythology first, there was Nun it was the dark water of chaos. Then arose the Ben-Ben the hill, the pyramids are of the shape of this hill. On this hill stood Atum the first God he created himself.

Then he spat out Shu the God of air and Tefnut the god of moisture. They then married and had two children Geb the God of earth and Nut the Goddesses of the sky. They then had four children Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. Osiris was the king and Isis was the queen.

However Seth was jealous of Osiris and he killed him, and he started to rule. But Isis and Osiris had a son called Horus. He fought and killed Seth and thus took revenge. He then ruled the world and Osiris became the king of the underworld.


Aker (Akeru, Akerui):

He is the double lion god. He is depicted as two lion sitting back to back with sky between them. The Egyptian believed that Aker, an earth-god, guarded the gates of dawn and sunset through which the sun rose every morning and set every evening.

Ammut (Ammit, Ahemait):

She is the dead devourer. She is depicted with the head of a crocodile, the forequarters of a lion, and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus. She witnessed the judgment of the dead in the “Hall of the Two Truths,” Marty. if the souls did not pass the judgment of Orisis the king underworld God the Ammut ate the soul and put it to eternal sleep.

Amon (Amen, Amun, Ammon, Amoun):

He is the hidden one. His symbol is bull, ram, goose. Amon was depicted as a man seated on a throne holding an ankh in one hand and a scepter in the other. Amon was also depicted with the head of a cobra or frog.

He could also appear as an ape or as a crouching lion. Amon was a creation-god. Amon gained popularity after the 12 dynasties when Thebes became the king.


He is the Lord of All. His symbol is sun disk, heat, and sunlight. Aten was depicted as a sun-disk with rays falling upon the Earth. At the end of each day was a hand that extended the ankh to the pharaoh.

The Egypt god of the sun, Aten was also called the creator of man. As the sun-god, Aten was born again each day. Like the sun, Aten nurtured the Earth and, according to the Book of the Dead, the deceased even called on him to nurture the living with his rays.

Bastet (Bast):

She is the Tearer.The symbol is a cat, lioness, sistrum, Udjat (Eye of Horus) Until ca. 1,000 BCE, the goddess Bastet was depicted as a lioness when depicted as a lioness it was associated with sunlight Later she was depicted as a woman with the head of a house cat.

When portrayed as a house cat, Bastet was associated with the moon. The daughter of Re and mother of Khonsu (the moon), Bastet was the goddess of cats, fire, the home, and pregnant women. Bastet is considered to be the personification of the soul of Isis.