Every year in the heat of summer, the great Nile flooded, spreading over the valleys on its sides. When the water receded, it left behind rich earth deposits swept down from the Ethiopian plateau, a fertile planting ground for the food in the Egyptian diet. Pliny recorded ancient methods of Nile farming. The technique was “to begin sowing after the subsidence of the Nile and then drive swine over the ground, pressing down the damp soil with their footprints.” The land was so fertile that it was even possible to grow two crops a year.


Ancient Egyptians mainly grew wheat and barley, they used wheat to bake bread and used barley to make beer. The beer was an ancient national drink in Egypt although the wine was the drink for upper classes. Another main crop Egyptians grew was beans or Foul as its current Egyptian Arabic name. Beans can be cooked in several ways and make a main Egyptian meal at any time during the day (breakfast, lunch or dinner).


What the ancient Egyptians ate varied depending on their social and financial stats. The more money and power you had, the better you eat. Several fruits were eaten in ancient Egypt, depending on the period. What was available depended on agriculture and trade. Popular fruits in ancient Egypt include dates, grapes, pomegranates, peaches, and watermelon.




One of the ancient Egyptian desserts is milk toffee (a delicious ancient traditional recipe). Another one is Almond Milk Custard Tart. Whipped Chestnut Cream is a difficult recipe (Egyptian Desserts) to realize but it is worth the try.

Egyptian food recipes roots grow from the diversity of Egyptian culture which was influenced by foreign invasion, trade with other nations and hospitality of Egyptians to others. Main influence to Egyptian cuisine came from Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Greece. Egyptian added their flavor to foreign dishes and also their names. Fruits are eaten as dessert after a meal with many other sweet dishes that Egyptians excel at making.