In a male-dominated ancient Egypt, the likelihood of a woman coming to power was bleak. In spite of women being considered good only for producing offspring, history of Egypt is filled with women of extraordinary courage and valor. These were the ancient Egypt female pharaohs.


All female pharaohs of ancient Egypt were royal blood. They had an immense support of some influential men who helped them rule the empire. The absence of the heir to the throne became the reason behind them coming to power after the king’s death. Female Pharaohs wore the costume of male pharaohs to show that they were no less than them.

Some powerful Ancient Egypt female pharaohs:

1. The first female pharaoh of ancient Egypt is Meryt-Neith. She was the third ruler of Egypt and her rule lasted for less than three years. She is known from her funerary monuments where a boat has been placed to carry her spirit to her afterlife.

Ancient Egypt Female MERYT-NEITH

2. Ancient Egyptian woman pharaoh Nitocris is remembered as the ‘bravest and most beautiful women’ in Egyptian history. She ascended to the throne when there was no heir apparent. Amongst a lot of dispute, she declared herself the queen. She is believed to have caused the death of hundreds of Egyptians responsible for her brother, the King’s death.

3. Ancient Egypt female pharaoh Sobek no Fru’s reign lasted for 3 years and 10 months. Her reign went through troubled times of anarchy and civil unrest.

4. Ancient Egypt woman pharaoh Hatshepsut: She was the most important female pharaohs in ancient Egypt. She ruled in what is known as the “Golden age of Egypt”. Hatshepsut came to power when her father died and she married her much younger step-brother as per custom.

5. She came to power because her husband was a minor. In order to depict herself no less than a male pharaoh, Hatshepsut started wearing a false beard, head gear with Cobra, the crown of two lands and hilt.

She ruled successfully for 15 years and made some ground breaking developments. Many famous temples were built during her reign. Her expedition to the Land of Punt is the most extraordinary.

Ancient Egyptian female pharaoh Cleopatra: the last female pharaoh of Egypt, Cleopatra was not of Egyptian origin. Daughter of Ptolemy, she was of Macedonian descent. After the death of her father, she ascended the throne at the age of 17 and ruled alongside her brother.

In order to assume sole power over Egypt, she captivated Julius Caesar of Rome. However, her liaisons with Mark Antony led to her doom. She then committed suicide in 30 B.C.

Ancient Egypt was indeed a land of great men and women alike. The ancient Egypt women pharaohs proved to the world that women were no less than men and go on to serve as a source of inspiration even today.